Schedule your Advising Appointments!
    Need an appointment with your academic advisor? Felician is here for you! We have appointments available in-person on both the Lodi and Rutherford campuses as well as virtually. Appointments are made during the advisor's hours of availability, which may vary. Please look to work with an advisor who knows your major or minor.

    How Often Should I Meet With My Advisor?

    Whether a faculty advisor or one of the CCAS Academic Advisors, you are encouraged to meet with an advisor at least once per semester.

    Why Advising?

    Academic Advising is a chance for you to have a conversation and share information to help you reach your educational and career goals. Advising is a responsibility and a process shared by the advisor and the student. Ultimately, to gain from this relationship, it is important that both parties are engaged.

    How do I find my Advisor?

    All students have an academic advisor assigned to them. To find yours, go to My Felician, login into the Felician Hub, and select “Student Planning,” and then “Plan Your Degree & Register for Classes.” If you choose “Advising,” it will list the assigned to you.

    • ·     If you have over 60 credits, you will have a faculty advisor within your major to help guide you toward degree completion and your professional goals.
    • ·    If you have under 60 credits you will have a CCAS professional advisor assigned to help you successfully begin your college career. For the list of advisors, see the names below.

    What if I Just Have a Question?

    You’re in luck! Both campuses are staffed with our College Navigators – we have two Falcon Commons locations: Lodi in the lower level of Obal Hall and Rutherford in BMA (near the mailroom). They are there to help with advising and financial aid questions.
    • Kori Washington
      • Business, Computer Science, and Cybersecurity
      • Personal Appointment Link: Click Here
    • Pamela Garvey
      • Undecided, Exercise Sports Science, Biology, Bio Pre-Professional Programs
      • Personal Appointment Link: Click Here
    • Annette Rycharski
      • Education, all Arts & Sciences Majors (minus Exercise Sports Science and Science-based majors)
      • Personal Appointment Link: Click Here
    • Dr. Suzie Toliao
      • Nursing, Pathways to Healthcare Professions, and Health & Promotion Wellness
      • Personal Appointment Link: Click Here
    For additional questions, please contact us at